What were your pregnancy symptoms and how soon did they start?

by Symptom Advice on April 11, 2011


I wanted to hear some of your stories regarding how soon you experienced your first pregnancy symptoms. I did not experience much with my first child other than having to pee often. I actually did a pregnancy test 3 days before my AF was due because I couln’t believe how often I had gotten up to pee during the night. What about you? how soon were your symptons and what were they? I still have 1 week left before I can test for pregnancy…

Thanks for sharing!

Well I got zero symptoms up until I was 12 weeks along. . .the first one I got was morning sickness and it lasted until I was 29 weeks every single day 2-3 times a day, and now it is almost every 2-3 days I get sick once in a day. . .that's really the only symptom I've gotten. Besides being a moody brat from time to time and getting cravings for brownies, sour patch kids, oranges, orange juice and any candy that tastes like orange. . .at about 26 weeks I started getting stretch marks (which I hate) and at about 34 weeks I started waddling. . .lol and now I am 36 weeks and my back hurts like crazy, it's hard to fall asleep at night with a baby who enjoys sticking his butt up into my rib cage. . .lol

Good luck to you!

I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant with twins. I experienced symptoms quite rapidly after conception. I'm also small built. About 2 – 2.5 weeks after getting pregnant my boobs started aching and growing. And by the 3rd week I was peeing every 15-20 minutes. during the 4th week is when I took the test, I was 6 days late and got a positive result.
I have had morning sickness only once (thank God) and haven't had any real cravings yet.
Abdominal cramping started around 6 weeks and I still have them at this point. Everything growing and all. Now I have a slight baby bump, can feel my stomach muscles starting to stretch, and I can't bend backwards to crack my back anymore.
Hope this helps!
God bless

The day I was supposed to start my period I got sick at breakfast. I worked nights at the time and I thought it was because of the long bad night I had and just went to bed. I husband woke me up to take me to dinner that night. I felt very tired, again I thought it was because of the night before. I started to eat my dinner and started to get very sick again. I purchased a pregnancy test on the way home and got a very strong positive. Later that night I started to get cramps and bleeding. I got scared and went to the OB the next day. I spent the next 10 weeks on bed rest with cramps, bleeding, vomiting, and extreme fatigue. Now, I am waiting for my c-section in 5 weeks. With my son I had little to no symptoms. it is true what they say every pregnancy is very different.

I started to feel pregnancy symptoms around 8 weeks I started to pee alot and my boobs where so sore. Then a couple weeks later I started to get sick and throwing up. And then I found out I was pregnant 6 days before my missed period.

With all it was missed period. Then morning sickness came at about 8-10 weeks for my first three. after that the constant peeing started along with exhaustion, consitpation and gas. I did with this one have cramping at around 6 weeks pregnant. Now with this last one we were TTC for 15 months. About a week after sex I had this feeling and looked at my husband and said "it worked this time" he thought I was nuts. I was at the clinic for my daughter on the day AF was due and did a test just for the heck of it….it came up positive. I wasnt surprised lol

Most pregnancdy symptoms do not occur until 6-8 weeks pregnant other than missed period. I wouldnt advice testing before AF is due because you can get an early positive that could be froma chemical pregnancy. Wait and be patient then test after you miss.

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