What will a doctor say and do if you these symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on June 21, 2011

Signs and symptoms
Vaginal bleeding and/or spotting
Abnormal uterine bleeding, abnormal menstrual periods
Bleeding between normal periods
Anemia, caused by chronic loss of blood. (This may occur if the woman has ignored symptoms of prolonged or frequent abnormal menstrual bleeding.)
Lower abdominal pain or pelvic cramping
Thin white or clear vaginal discharge in postmenopausal women

Probably that you are going to die soon and he or she will ask if you'd like the next of kin contacted.

You should not be asking people what a doctor may say, because a doctor is only as good as the tests he runs. anything he might say will probally be a educated guess, but nothing more. Tests must be made in order to find out exactly what is going on and why.

Um, question…

You mentioned "frequent abnormal menstrual bleeding"… but this person also has a symptom of "discharge in postmenopausal women"??

you can't be menstruating and be postmenopausal at the same time.

But, this tiny detail to the side – the person would need to be checked for a wide variety of female disorders – ranging from polyps to cysts to even some forms of early cancer.

Of course there is also the possibility of pregnancy – though unlikely with such a high amount of blood loss.

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