Whats the difference between Symptoms of Having your period and being pregnant?

by Symptom Advice on January 8, 2011

The questions is pretty self explanatory.
Whats the difference between symptoms before having your period
and symptoms of being pregnant.

If you are pregnant you can STILL get your period. although, it is rare. My friend got hers until she was 5 months pregnant and didn't even know she was pregnant! some have their periods all throughout the pregnancy. Seems like a lot of people on here didn't pay attention in Health class. O.o

It all varies for everyone. With me, when I was supposed to start my period, I would get the feeling like I was supposed to but it never came. when you are pregnant, you'll have a lot of discharge because it's building the mucous plug. some get implantation bleeding – a very small tinge of blood would come out and might make you believe you're on your period. My grandma and I coughed when we were pregnant. she coughed until she gave birth and mine lasted a few months. You may have morning sickness all throughout your pregnancy or you may have it last a few months. some don't get any. You may get dizzy, you'll get very tired, have mood swings, etc.

When you're about to start your period, you may get cramps, mood swings, boobs would grow and get sore, etc. It's almost like the same thing but there's so many more symptoms you get when you're pregnant rather than on your period.

If you're pregnant you don't get your period and the symptoms tend to linger. if you are not pregnant then you get your period and the symptoms go away until next month.

the differences are very slim, they are almost similar. at first you may thing it's your period coming, but when you miss your period, that's when you know you are pregnant

I didn't really have any. I REALLY thought my period was coming (cramps, tired, broke out) but it never came! The more obvious pregnancy symptoms came later for me, like the morning sickness.

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