Wheat allergy symptoms in adults, Signs and symptoms of a wheat allergy, Symptoms of wheat allergy in adults

by Symptom Advice on April 13, 2011

Wheat allergy is often seen to affect children as well as adults. A wheat allergy is nothing but the auto immune response of the body towards the allergen, which in this case is the gluten protein in wheat. this is similar as other allergies to food. there is an onset of allergic symptoms, when a victim of wheat allergy comes in contact with any food containing wheat in any form. Wheat allergy is different from wheat intolerance, since allergy produces symptoms while intolerance is nothing but a chemical reaction occurring inside the victim’s body due to its incapability of digesting wheat. Compared to wheat intolerance, wheat allergy symptoms in adults are more frequent.

The indications of wheat allergy are quite vague, since they are somewhat common to those of other food allergies. Hence, it is bit difficult to relate the symptoms to allergy from wheat or gluten. Initially, the wheat allergy symptoms in adults appear to be very mild, but they may turn up severe or newer signs arise increasing the number with time. hence, it is tedious to diagnose food allergies, like wheat allergy, in their initial stages. Among children, the most common symptoms of wheat allergy include diarrhea, stomach aches, vomiting, and skin rashes, hives and itching. Wheat allergy symptoms among adults vary from person to person, depending upon who can sustain them for how long. the commonly occurring signs of wheat allergy in adults include the following:

Of these, not all the symptoms of wheat allergy are observed in each and every one. wheat allergy symptoms in adults vary among people. If any of these symptoms appear while having meals, there are high chances of that particular individual suffering from wheat allergy. thus, watching out for these symptoms is necessary before they begin to play the games of life and death with you.

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