When do symptoms of terminal cancer start to show?

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

My friend is a 27 yr old single parent who was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. she was given a year about 5-6 months ago but is showing no sign of illness. she has maintained her weight, if not gained. her skin and eyes are still bright and energetic. she seems happy and healthy by all accounts. what type of symptoms should we expect to see as her illness progresses and when should we expect to start seeing them?

Weight loss, anorexia, fatigue will be the first 3 common symptoms and then jaundice in skin and eyes, pain, nausea, enlarged lymph nodes( cancer is spreading), excessive sweating (night sweating), difficulty in breathing are terminal symptoms in general.

She is very young…sorry. I believe your friend is a courageous lady by maintaining a positive attitude against the odds. Statistically, stage 4 ovarian cancer has a poor survival rate, but who knows she might prove the statistics wrong and might survive much longer.

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