When Does Psoriasis Go away :( Im tired of it…?

by Symptom Advice on December 21, 2010

Im 20 years old I got psoriasis for 9 months now and its really Aggravating! I hate it! and its embarrassing. I bought this shampoo called T sal it says it helps the symptoms of psoriasis but it doesn't work Is there a reason? Cause Like there is some days it will work and my head wont itch for 1 whole day then the next day it will itch like crazy? WHy is that? I work on cars and it is a very stressful Job as any Technician would say the same thing. I know that is part o my psoriasis. :( I just wish it will go away. its also annoying because when I feel my hair it feels All Thick and stuff and when My mom gives me a Buzz you can see black patches of the Hair all bunched together from the Psoriasis. In all Different spots On my head and its very Embarrassing so when I go out I wear a Hat. that is the psoriasis though right? with the black patches of my hair all Bunched together?? i think it is but IDK. Im Probably gonna go to the Dr. next week To get it taken care of. I feel So Embarrassed because everybody sees it and I try Hiding it! Please c an someone Help me?? Thank you for taking the Time to Read my question and concerns.

The main cause of psoriasis is overreaction of the immune system. Keeping it in a balanced state is the key point of battling this disease. I try to eat healthy food and avoid stress as much as I can.
After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments.
Now I use herbal remedies from serenaskin.com, which aim at the root of the disease – the immune system, and are steroid-free.
After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my scalp has been cleared up and now I just continue with anti-psoriasis extract, which controls the immune system. My scalp has been clear for months now.
It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed.

i no it kinda sounds pussy like but tanning works sooo good i have it too and uv rays helps so much but dont tell your dr. that cuz they dont like that and that intense yoga the kind that makes you sweat make it go away completely my uncle did it

Hi, you can try one of the natural treatments available on the Internet (just google "natural treatment of psoriasis") and take your pick. Some of them do actually work. for my psor. I use herbal cream by Champori quite successfully. it takes just a couple of weeks to clear the spots and they then stay clear for months on end.
Try it: Champori is available online without prescription and comes with money back guarantee so if it doesn't work for you – it's free.

a cousin of mine shared to me that he has psoriasis a the previous year. he tried lots of treatment but without luck. until he tried dermasis. after using it his body recieve positive review and after a month or so psoriasis is completely gone and never had the same infection again. you can find it here dermasis.com/?aid=830371 hope you will be fine

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