When Does Schizophrenia Symptoms Start To Really Show?

by Symptom Advice on December 5, 2010

When does Schizophrenia Symptoms Start to Really
Show?? like What Age does It Really Affect You?
Can You List the Symptoms for them.

I hate to be a lamer, but self, or unprofessional diagnosis is neither accurate nor appropriate. in fact, it often causes more problems than it solves. People go to school for 8 or more years to learn how to diagnose accurately — it is much, MUCH more complex than it seems. If you are truly concerned, you or the person in question should see a professional.

There isn't a certain age, really. Average men tend to show symptoms at age 25; females at age 30. It could be middle age or maybe even later. Rare cases are when children or teens get them, but it is rare.

Symptoms could be seeing or hearing things that do not actually exist. You cannot distinguish the difference between reality and what's made up inside your head. You first become isolated with the real world because you're living in your own practical world because of fear.

There is medication for it and you will eventually become "normal"… whatever that is.

Symptoms usually manifest in childhood.

Its actually hard to say a specific age because there are so many different types of schitzophrenia including DRUG INDUCED. My sons father was diagnosed at the age of 22 with Drug Induced Paranoid Schitzophrenia after a sad situation accured. He was involved in the death of an indiviual after having hallucinations and paranoya. But it is very difficult to determine an age. I also have a best friend whos boyfriend is at this point of age 28 starting to hallucinate be paranoid and talk to himself as if he is taling to someone there. Although he ofcourse believes nothing is wrong. Ive learned though in todays sociaty there is NO way you can help an individual unless they agree to treatment and or HURT themselves or others. its very sad. I have not only tried to talk to him but my sons father who has this disorder had tried. until recently he severly beat my friend was he COURT ordered for a MEDICAL Evaluation. So determining an age for when this disorder accure is very difficult. It can depend on life style as well as inheritance and or Stress can cause this disease.

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