When to the typical pregnancy symptoms start?

by Symptom Advice on August 13, 2011

I took a pregnancy test yesterday because my ovulation calendar software said it was time to test, and got a positive result. but, I have had really no symptoms, aside from a bit of fatigue and being overly emotional and hungry more often, all of which can be explained away. When can I exepct some of the other symptoms: breast tenderness, morning sickness, etc?

Congratulations! Well everyone is different but I would say that most start around 6-8 weeks :-)

I started feeling sick at about 7 weeks pregnant. BUt I had little cramping and definite fatigue as soon as I found out I was pregnant around 4 weeks. My breasts didnt start feeling really tender until 12 weeks or so, and now they are super bad! :) I am 16 weeks pregnant with my first baby! So I have just recently experienced these things!

Within the next couple of weeks, and definetly within the first 2 months, especially the fatigue. I think at no other time is it so bad as in the beginning.

Everyone is different. some go through the whole nine months with nary a symptom, many don't even know they're pregnant until a friend mentions the "glow" around them, and yet some women insist they feel a life inside them within moments of conception. So it really depends, but I'm happy for you and maybe if you start shopping you'll notice some symptoms as you're picking out the crib.

Mine symptoms started around 4-6 weeks. with my last/third baby I had symptoms starting at 4 weeks.

when your **** start hurting too mush. and throuing up with no food poisning

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