When you have low blood sugar do you have the symptoms all day, or just sometimes?

by Symptom Advice on April 7, 2011

I think I might have low blood sugar (having weird vision, headaches, light headed, anxiety, and last week these weird mood swings). I have to wait until the blood tests come back later this week. But I was wondering, dont these symptoms only occur sometimes, and not everyday all day?

Usually you have these symptoms when you blood sugar is dropping or is low… make sure that you are eating at regular intervals and don't go for long periods of time without having a snack.. I would also keep a piece of candy on you at all times, so if you start having these symptoms you can pop it in your mouth and it may make you feel better… my mom has low blood sugar and when it starts dropping she starts shaking uncontrollably almost like she is having a seizure… she carries sugar pills with her… good luck..

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