Where on the internet could I post medical symptoms and get possible diagnosises?

by Symptom Advice on December 29, 2010

Like if you have a skin problem and you want to post pictures along with descriptions.

Search google or ask.com by typing in symptom checker. It will give you all the sights that have them.

Well, it would be better to probably seek a real docotr, but i don't have the money myself to go to a doctor, so this is where i go wwebmd.com Web MD is pretty good and official…

Right here. Plenty of people will be eager to diagnose and prescribe for you. but remember they are laypeople. a doctor on here would not do so without seeing you, so any actual answer that you can trust and act upon should come out of a doctor visit.

Web MD, my family uses it to evoke the hypochondriacs in them.


WebMD.com is the best I have seen if you are wanting a response. I have also typed in my symptoms to a google search and it has pulled up possibilities that way too. the search was dead on with my need for hip replacement and the need for a Gall Bladder removal.

Go to WebMD.com. WebMD has an almost unlimited data base of diseases and symptoms. Plug in your symptoms and WEBMD will locate a suggested-related disease, if not the actual cause within a few minutes.

Also try Wikipedia.org. Wikipedia can give you a full history/etymology of the disease or disorder.

Well, the best thing would be to go to the doc.

This site might help a little. Depending on what it is, people can point you out to other web sources.

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