Why do allergies produce different symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on May 9, 2011

Why do some allergies produce cold-like symptoms and others cause nausea or hives?
Which of the following are the correct answers?

a. different allergens stimulate the release of different chemicals, other than histamine.

b. since mast cells are found in tissues rather than in blood, the symptoms will match where the antigen runs into the mast cell/antibody complex.

c. only respiratory allergies involve the release of histamine from mast cells.

d. none of these

The answer is A

There are around 20 different kinds of chemicals that cause the allergic reaction response in the body. the largest most common one is histamine. Mast cells are found in the tissues rather than the cells but when there is an antigen that binds to an antibody the reaction is released into the blood and that's why you can get a systemic reaction. Also what plays a role in the severity of the reaction is how often or how much you get exposed to the antigen. Exmaple: you are allergic to an oak tree. Whne your neighbor plants it you don't know you are allergic to it. Spring time comes and you get a little sniffle here and there but nothing too bad. the next season to get a more serious response and next the same thing even worse because the more your body was exposed to the antigen, the more T-cells the body created as an antibody to attack and kill the antigen from the oak tree that gives you that allergy. Larger attack = worse symptoms.

Allergy symptoms can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe.

Mild allergy symptoms can include:

Itchy, watery eyes
Mild allergic reactions do not spread to other parts of the body.

Moderate allergic reactions can include symptoms that spread to other parts of the body, including:

Difficulty breathing

Severe Allergy Symptoms (Anaphylaxis)
Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening emergency in which the body's response to the allergen is sudden and affects the whole body. Allergy symptoms may begin with sudden itching of the eyes or face and within minutes progress to more serious symptoms, including:

Varying degrees of swellings that can make breathing and swallowing difficult
Abdominal pain
Mental confusion or dizziness

Why are you born with allergies? well….Allergies have a tendency to run in some families and you may have allergies even if they do not run in your family. your allergic reactions are unique to you.

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