Why do my allergy symptoms come and go?

by Symptom Advice on March 10, 2011

For about 10 days, I will experience:

Post-nasal Drip (all day)
Sore Throat (a few days before it leaves)
Runny/ Clogged Nose (most of the time)

But then it will just go away ALMOST completly for about 2 weeks. then it'll come back. It came and went 3 times in a row. I have a severe allergy to dust, but I'm around it the whole time. I have slight allergies to dogs and maple but I'm around those for the same amount of time for the past few months. I take Claritin D, Zyrtec, and a Neti Pot. they help with the runny/clogged nose, but not with the nasal drip or sore throat. Why do they come and go?

they come and go because of levels of each thing in the air. i' not sure how it all works, i could probably try to explain it and end up confusing you a ton!! i use t o take claritin D for my allergies because i was told "it's top of the line for non prescription!" and i think it's hog was! i had way better luck with benadryl. but yah anyways, if your meds arent taking care of all the symptons talk to your dr and see what they have to say. my manger gets a shot once a year or six months i don't remember but anyways she gets it RIGHT when her allgies act up during the summer and is FINE the rest of the summer

you could have seasonal allergies. they come and go like you discribe

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