Why one of the symptoms of schizophrenia is increased interest in religion and philosophy?

by Symptom Advice on April 26, 2011

i was reading about schizophrenia and one of the symptoms mentioned this and i don't really get it..

thanks in advance

Hmm I didnt actually know that until you just told me. I do know there is something quite spiritual about schizophrenia, I wont forget the time on the train, there was a schizophrenic woman going nuts on the train talking and screaming out loud saying she was going to kill herself and stuff, I got this feeling that I was supposed to pray and I did (not out loud), suddenly she just stopped and was quiet the rest of the trip, which was a considerable way I might add, 30 minz or so.

Well Roxy are you schizophrenic? I am and even I don't really get it. I have a collection of virgin mary's and christs. They are my chosen symbols of the divine.
You know many cultures considered madmen close to God, whatever god that might be.

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