Will standard over-the-counter meds that are used to treat Flu symptoms help the symptoms of the Swine Flu?

by Symptom Advice on March 12, 2011

Don't worry, I don't have the Swine Flu. but I do have a bih medicine cabinet full of basic Flu remedies that you can buy at the drug store, like Tylenol Cold & Flu, Benelyn All-in-one, and stuff like that.

If I or someone in my home gets the Swine Flu, will these things help at all? Would they at least help with symptom relief?

Tamiflu is the suggested medication for flu symptoms

NO!!!!!!! The vaccine for the human seasonal flu does not protect against the Swine Flu, even if the virus strains are the same specific variety, as antigenically very different.

Related to the vaccine of the swine flu, there has been inconsistent responses to it since the flu has grown stronger. The current vaccines are oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), it is said that the flu is susceptible to those but not guarantee to cure it just treat it.

At least the US is preparing. right now they are sending 12million vaccines of Tamiflu to the 5 US States where the flu has been first identified. Comparing to Mexico that has the biggest outbreak and only have 1 million vaccines available right now.

More information just so you know:

The first diagnose of the swine flu was in 1976 but returned again in 2007 and now stronger than before in 2009.

The virus was transmitted first from pigs to humans but became dangerous when it started infecting human-to-human. That's why it is also very important for the people who have swine farms to take their pigs to the veterinary for a swine flu vaccine. Maybe this is one of the big reasons that the flu started so strong in Mexico (since more people live from farms than in the US).

It's best to keep your immune system healthy in the usual ways, as well as to take immuno boosters. Prevention is the best defense, and sources like swineflusymptom.com show you how to prepare for the swine flu virus, just in case.

Over-the-counter flu remedies are for symptomatic relief only, and there is no reason they shouldn't work on the swine flu just like any other flu.
They will not prevent the flu or help get over it faster.
There are anti-flu medicines you can get by prescription; they recommend taking them soon after you get symptoms.
The best prevention at this time is hand-washing and avoiding sick people.
Although it is generally considered a good thing to keep your immune system strong, that probably won't help with this swine flu, as it hits hardest on the most robust patients. I think a minor cold or other infection would be a better protection against the new Swine Flu; but I'm not sure how to manage that. Viruses like to attack a healthy host, because they depend on the patient's cells to reproduce itself.

Over-the-counter? Well, depends where you are… read on

The two that work are Tamilfu and Relenza (I blog them here cancuntravelog.com/42/cancun-…

They are prescription in the US, but if you are in Mexico, can get it non-prescription (been told for $40).

Other than the two medications above, I believe the other medication would be not very effective.

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