Will the emotional symptoms of perimenopause go away when menopause is over?

by Symptom Advice on April 3, 2011

am having panic attacks , anxiety, irritability and depression( probably because of the first 3:()

There are 200 oestrogen receptors in a woman's body. Some of these are in the brain.Our bodies need the sex hormones.
Mental symptoms caused by peri menopause frequently remain for may years – even life. The only effective treatment is carefully tailored bio identical hormone therapy.
I found that my anxiety, irritability, lethargy and depression vanished rapidly once I visited an Endocrinologist and had my hormones balanced. I had experienced only a small drop in oestrogen level yet it triggered some horrible empotional symptoms including sleep disturbance.
I would ignore the "scare stories" attached to hormone therapy and ask yourself how many people do you know who get cancer and have never used hormone therapy.

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