With Pancreatitis, could headache be a symptom, can headache let you know that attack of Pancreatitis is near?

by Symptom Advice on July 17, 2011

A headache can also be caused from caffeine withdrawal. if it's been a while since you've drank caffeine and you are addicted to it you will get a headache. Lot's of things can cause a headache. why this one particular thing?

My daughter got pancreatitis when she was 7. One night out of the blue she was throwing up left and right, then her lips turned blue so I took her to the hospital. they ended up calling cps because they say for kids pancreatitis only happens from a blow to the stomach. So they thought I punched her.

Turned out she had climbed through the kitchen window high off the ground and was dangling by her stomach on the window cill trying to reach for the table (when I wasn't home). she told the neighbors who were babysitting that she had a key and wanted to go get something from our house.

She had no other symptoms. I guess for adults it is from drinking? I can't remember. I don't know about headaches with this. why do you think it is linked to that?

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