Woman going through menopause if u dont take hormone replacements what do you take for ur symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on December 23, 2010

Have you tried Dont Pause all natural supplement?

I haven't tried Don't Pause, but I have tried many other natural approaches for my menopausal symptoms. I have changed my diet, used herbs and other natural supplements for hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety and heart health. To learn more about specific herbs and vitamins for specific symptoms, visit natural-approaches-to-menopau…

Some women say that Soy products help, like drinking Soy milk. It is supposed to help with the hot flashes.

Hormone Replacement Therapy carries significant health risks. But there is a natural option.
As reported by Lancelot, the British Medical Journal, Hormone Replacement Therapy {HRT} increases a woman's chance of getting ovarian cancer by 20%.
in the U.S, between 2001 and 2004, cases of breast cancer dropped 8.6% among women general population.
And what's even more interesting is that among women 50 and older, the drop was even greater- 11.8%!
Why is this?
Well, because a good number of women STOPPED Hormone Replacement Therapy{HRT}.
Who said that, you ask?
no less an authority than "The New England Journal of Medicine", that's who!
in layman {laywoman?} language, what does this mean?
It means that there were 30,000 fewer incidences of breast cancer during 2001-2004!
You would remember that this good news, because of its health significance, was broadcast over every Television channel, right?
Who looks out for you? you, that's who. Your health is your responsibility.
Here is a natural option: bit.ly/9gr8Hf

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