WOMEN: What do you use for menstruation pain/symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on March 1, 2011

I can't live without my advil. But I know it's not good for me to be taking up to 6 a day for a week while on my period. Is there anything else I can use that will make it go away?

I use a heating pad that way I am not taking any pills.

I take advil when i know i am going to get it. I keep taking that for like a day, and i never feel cramps

If they are that bad you should go to the doctor and see if he/she will prescribe you some pain pills. I know a lady that is on 800mg Ibuprofen and Darvocet also for her menstrual cramps.

If your periods are uncommonly painful, you may want to ask your doctor about birth control. Most severe cramps are caused by hormone imbalances, and birth control balances those hormones. Heating pads often work well. If you are willing to try alternative medicine, you may want to look into some herbal remedies. Red raspberry leaf, yarrow, fennel seeds, and feverfew are all known herbal remedies for cramps, and all can be easily made into a tea.

I soak in a hot bath an sometimes if I take a nap I feel better.

go to a pharmacy there are knew asprins for menstrual cramps only. i think it is menphol something like that.

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