Would my symptoms justify a medical marijuana reccomendation?

by Symptom Advice on January 14, 2011

I have mild to moderate insomnia, occasional anxiety attacks under stress, and mild ADD, as observed by a school-hired therapist (high school), but I am currently only 17 years of age. my mother is considering helping me obtain a medical marijuana license, but I was just wondering if given my symptoms and age, and my legal guardian's approval, if I can get a recommendation from a physician specializing in medical marijuana prescription.

if you go to the right physician, they'll give it to you for whatever. just list something they cant prove you dont have, like lower back pain or insomnia. if you just want to smoke weed thats fine, make up something and go get it.

thers a list of physicians on canorml.org or pick up a "high times" magazine, or go to medicann.org

It is very possible you could get approved for MM.

And powder form capsules, suckers, and other edibles that contain THC are now available so you dont have to smoke marijuana and irritate the lungs.

just get a cannabis card u can get it with any symptoms there usually about 100 to 200 bucks and u get the good stuff haha

If you really want to smoke it, why go through all the trouble? just get a good dealer and your set.

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