At 4 weeks, pregnant symptoms may start to show up. This is the time that most women start to suspect that they are pregnant, because it is time for your next period, but this time it turns out to be the famous missed period.
You can read this article with one from two points of views – you already know that you are pregnant or you don’t know, but suspect that you are. If you already know, you might want to know how the pregnancy symptoms will change. If you don’t know if you are pregnant, you want to compare what you are feeling now, to with what pregnant women normally feel at this stage. when we talk about pregnancy symptoms, we can divide it into three groups. it will be roughly correlating to the three trimesters of pregnancy.
Since you are now in the first trimester, the normal effects of pregnancy are the following:
These ‘symptoms’ are normal signs which tell most women that they are expecting a baby. but these symptoms also get really annoying after a week or two. the excitement that you are pregnant will outweigh the nausea only for a couple of days, but then the nausea will start to get you. To make these pregnancy symptoms more bearable, focus on improving your health by making your lifestyle healthier. the better your bodily functions work, the easier it copes with all the changes going on.
Avoiding these symptoms is something most women wants. they want to have energy left after a normal day, to decorate the nursery or to read about pregnancy and parenting. they don’t want to fall asleep before eight in the evening or stay wake all night because of back pain.
Article source: Click Here
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