What are the symptoms of white lung from insulation?

by Symptom Advice on April 13, 2011

i worked in blown insulation and my throat is swore and i am really itchy i dont know if it is serious. I didnt use any protection from inhelling the insulation.

OMG, why would you not wear protection especially knowing their is a disease which is caused by inhallation?

Incidentally, the wearing of a mask (and other protective clothing such as gloves) provided by your employer is compulsory under the Health and Safety at Work Act. by not wearing yours (the duration of the job is irrelevant) you have committed what's called 'contributory negligence'. this should have been pointed out to you during your induction into the job.

Most blown in now is cellulose and its safe to breath and touch with bare hands. if its fiberglass, then you will be itchy for a while. did you sneeze alot? when i use fiberglass i always end up sneezing tons. with the cellulose you won't sneeze.

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