Do people with anorexia have period symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on August 4, 2011

I read about people who r anorexic stop having periods. my friends has all the signs of anorexia and her periods have been very irregular, and her period is late this month but she still has period symptoms. but do they still have period symptoms if their period has stopped due to this illness?

Yes, periods can be irregular and they can also stop completely when girls have anorexia. if you think your friend has anorexia, I would be less concerned about her periods and more concerned about her health and her life. Talk to her. Talk to a counselor. Encourage her to get some help. People DIE from anorexia!

And yes, she can still have period symptoms and not have a period.

Yea, periods can be irregular and they can stop completely when girls have anorexia. your friend may be anarexic or thats how her periods may just be. A couple of my friends are like that.

I say just talk to her about your concern for her.

maybe she is still not skinny enough to have her period stopped??

i seriously dont know but i know that u should ask a doctor

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