Do people with diabetes have ADHD-like symptoms when they have too much sugar?

by Symptom Advice on August 6, 2011

I am wondering if there are any links between diabetics eating too much sugar and being hyperactive, easily distracted, having memory loss, etc (exhibiting ADHD-like symptoms). I have personally just found out that I have very high blood sugar (close to diabetes) and also have been diagnosed with ADHD by some, and not by others. Could I be acting hyperactive only when eating too much sugar?

sugarhigh? what did you think that was. of course you could be.

i'm diabetic and i'm fine.also i don't eat a lot of sugar.

nope pretty much doesnt have to do nothing with eachother

No if you are ADHD and are a diabetes you need to lower the amount of sugar you intake like cookies, pop and certain fruit have a lto of sugar in them. both my parents are diabetic and when my dads blood sugar was high his eye Dr told him that he has bean high. I know for a fact when your blood sugar is low you feel hungry shakey and sometimes sweaty but when it is high you really cant feel that it is high there are NO symptoms you can only take your blood sugar.

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