HELP! What are the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis?

by Symptom Advice on June 21, 2011

HELP! I have exessive mucus in throat, burping up acid, and kinda short breath. Help! I don't want to die!

what ur symptoms sounds like is acid reflux. cystic fibrosis some of the symptoms for that is depression and body aches,sore joints, and dizziness; those are some of the symptoms for cystic fibrosis. if u really want to get a full list of it google it or go to ur doctor.

if youre old enough to type that question out and havent been diagnosed with CF yet, you probably dont have it. its a severe disease so usually its not something that would go unnoticed and you dont just suddenly get it. you probably just have a cold or bronchitis or something of that nature, maybe at worst mild pneumonia. see a doctor if it doesnt get better.

I don't think you have CF. there are many forms of CF tho. my brother's symptoms included salty skin (no liquid to sweat, just salt crystals), fatty bowel movements (as in ..completely liquid, orange in color and EVERY time…), extreme excessive mucous, nasal polyps, difficulty gaining and retaining weight, loss of appetite, or the complete opposite, extreme appetite with little results from eating non stop, difficulty breathing, etc.
Oh…and it is not an illness that is just for children, most of the time kids are diagnosed (now days) by their first birthday, but there are still a few mild cases that go un noticed until teen or adult hood. It is also a life long illness, it is a terminal illness. there is no cure, and it's not like the chicken pocks where you get it once and then you're fine…It involves a lifetime of medications, doctor visits, tests, pokes, and more meds!

Cystic Fibrosis is something your born with not something you develop later in life.

I looked up some syptoms for you. the following are the most common symptoms for cystic fibrosis. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

abnormalities in the glands that produce sweat and mucus
This may cause a loss of salt. a loss of salt may cause an upset in the balance of minerals in the blood, abnormal heart rhythms, and, possibly, shock.

thick mucus that accumulates in the lungs and intestines
This may cause malnutrition, poor growth, frequent respiratory infections, breathing difficulties, and/or lung disease.

Don't worry, just go to your doctor. (BTW normally this is a disease for kids)

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