How did you manage your ADHD symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on July 21, 2011

I seem to have problems organizing the details of daily life….when to do what…do you get "lost in the details" as well?

Simplify then. I'll make it very simple, just pay attention.

I highly suggest you see the book "the ADD Book" by Sears and Thompson. It is excellent and talks about all aspects of the disorder; managing with diet, natural remedies, meds., behavior modification, etc.

I make a list of things to do, making time frames for each one.

(ex.. work from 8-5, dinner 6-7, bath 9-9:30)

It helps me out, I have two kids with ADHD, and a husband also.

Evryone in the house has a time sheet of things to do, and they seem to do it pretty good.

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