How To Treat Cholera – Natural Cure Of Cholera & Causes And Symptoms Of Cholera

by Symptom Advice on May 16, 2011

Cholera is one of the most contagious, water born diseases caused by the bacterium vibrio cholerae. It enters the small intestine of a human through contaminated food and water. if the disease is not treated properly, it can turn-out to be fatal. The bacterium absorbs water from the small intestine resulting in great loss of fluids from the body in a short period of time.

Improved sanitation and hygienic conditoins are required to control the spread of such contagious diseases.  In severe cases this disease causes diarrhea and violent purging. Drinking sterilized water and eating fresh and healthy foods can keep us away from the cholera infection and other dreadful diseases.

How to identify cholera?

One of the most important symptoms of cholera is diarrhea. In severe cases violent purging can be noticed in the infected person. Loose and watery stools are another most important symptoms of cholera. In early stages of infection nausea and vomiting can be seen in the patient. due to loss of water, patient feels very thirsty and restless.  Body temperature may rise along with decrease in pulse rate. due to sluggish circulation, skin may turn dry and wrinkled. In some case, skin may turn slightly purplish in color.

Causes of cholera

Main cause for the cholera infection is a bacterium namely vibrio cholerae. another important cause for cholera is contaminated food and water which acts as the carriers of the bacterium into the body.

Home remedies

Lemon juice is one of the simplest home remedies for cholera as it can arrest the bacteria responsible for the spread of disease. Lemon juice can be consumed with sugar or salt along with medications. Orange juice can be also taken instead of lemon juice as these citrus fruit juices can kill bacilli causing cholera infection.

Guava root being rich in tannins can effectively reduce symptoms of cholera like vomiting and diarrhea. thirty grams of guava root bark can be boiled in water for half an hour and this decoction can be taken twice in a day. Onion is an important home remedy for cholera as it can help to reduce some of  its symptoms. thirty grams of onion with seven black peppers can be pounded and can be taken twice or thrice a day for better results.

Fresh juice of bitter guard can be given to the patient twice a day during the early stages of infection. This can be either taken alone or with two teaspoons of white onion juice twice a day for curing the diseases before they become serious. Drumstick leaves are a very valuable in the treatment of cholera. a concoction prepared by mixing one teaspoon of fresh drumstick leaf juice with half a tablespoon of honey in, 2 cups of tender coconut water can be taken twice a day for curing cholera at a faster rate.

Drinking a decoction made from basil leaves several times a day is an effective home remedy for the disease. Cucumber leaves as well as cucumber is used in curing cholera as it can decrease thirst feelings in the patient. one glass of fresh cucumber leaf juice with an equal amount of tender coconut water can be given in doses of 30-60 ml a day for better results.

Nutmeg is an important remedy for dehydration caused during the cholera infection. half a nutmeg mixed in half liter of water and half liter of coconut tender water can be given in a dose of 15 ml a day for treating cholera. Cloves are very valuable in the treatment of cholera. about three grams of cloves can be boiled in three liters of water for half an hour. The prepared mixture can be given to the patient several times a day for rapid recovery from the disease.

Powdered root of chaff is another important home remedy for cholera. Six grams of this powder can be boiled in one liter of water and the prepared solution can be taken once in a day for curing cholera. a solution of 4 heaped teaspoon of sugar or honey and half teaspoon of salt in water can be taken several times a day for reducing fluid loss from the body due to infection.

Taking a glass of buttermilk with one teaspoon of cumin seeds added in it is helpful in curing cholera infection. This can be given to the patient once in a day for better results. a bowl of rice water can be given to the patient as a home remedy for cholera infection as drinking rice water is best for diarrhea which is one of the main symptoms of the disease.

Dos and do not’s

Solid food items should be avoided and instead liquid food can be given to the patients. Uncooked vegetables should be also avoided unless making sure that they are well cleaned and fresh. Lemon juice and orange juice can be given daily for rapid cure. Onion and mint can be included in the diet in liquid form.

Ice cubes in drinks should be avoided unless made sure than ice cubes are prepared from sterilized water. Water should be sterilized or boiled before drinking. Ice creams from an unhygienic condition should be strictly avoided. Shellfishes and raw fishes should not be taken as they can be the main source for the bacteria causing cholera.

Foods should be prepared at a hygienic place and should be handled properly. Food items should not be kept open or allowed to stand at the room temperature for several hours as this can increase the chance of microbial growth.


Food items sold at the street in an unhygienic condition should be avoided. Patients should be provided with light food items in order to reduce pressure on the infected intestine on digestion. Patients should be given medical care immediately as this disease is a fatal one, that causes rapid fluid loss from the body. Keeping body hydrated is the best method to cure cholera. The above mentioned tips and remedies can be followed for best results along with proper medication and care of the patient.

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