Most Common Symptoms of Stress and Depression

by Symptom Advice on April 25, 2011

People often get the wrong end of the stick when it comes to understanding stress and depression. There are a startlingly high number of people who are hit by clinical depression in the world each year. and very few illnesses are as misread by the common man as depression. It is important to know the real depression symptoms to avoid misinterpreting it.

People might be going through a major episode of depression, but we should know that those who suffer from depression are not clearly gloomy or feeble. although grief is a prominent depression cause, grief is a lot apposite and healthy, and is not a certain pointer of clinical depression. moreover, grief is not simply about the blow of the demise of a friend or family member. a lot of people lament when they lose pets, go through separation, get fired etc. the various forms of depression and symptoms of stress are very unique; nevertheless they all have a general set of symptoms. Usually, the diagnosis is based on the number of symptoms present and how severe they are.

Sometimes, stressful events may pave the way to depression. when people go through chronic stress, they learn a sense of incapacity. this helplessness is strengthened when a person believes there is no control over the situation. Depresses people usually have negative beliefs about their capacity to manage their lives based on perceived malfunctions in the past. Visualize an entry level employee working in an office with a verbally abusive boss who tells him that he is brainless and can’t do anything correct. Eventually the employee may believe the boss and come to suspect his abilities. he might start feeling helpless and think that everything is beyond his control. this helplessness may well make him susceptible to clinical depression.

Symptoms of Stress and Depression

Some of the common symptoms or the effects of stress and clinical depression include irritability, sadness, lack of energy, feelings of worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, pessimism about life, severe self-criticism, mood swings, feelings of shame or guilt, hyper behavior, rage and excessive sleep.

Not all depression and stress sufferers go through all of the above symptoms but if you experience most you should see a physician as quickly as possible. some depression sufferers portray the feeling as a total lack of joy, even lacking the pleasure they used to get from certain preferred activities. Most often a strong sense of despair and vulnerability is also experienced.

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