Signs and Symptoms of Lyme Disease

by Symptom Advice on May 21, 2011

Some of the visual signs and symptoms associated with Lyme disease in the mobility of damaged muscles in his face muscles, eye redness, inflammation and various visual disorders.

Lyme disease is a disease that is transmitted by the bite of ticks infected with Borrelia burgdorferi deer. Patients can suffer through three stages of the disease, if it is not the appropriate treatment immediately. Symptoms of Lyme disease usually begin with a result sentinel in the eyes of a bull from the distinctive shape more and more around the bite. Within a few days, the redness spread to other parts of the body.

Lyme symptoms are often varied and can range from typical flu symptoms of severe neurological disorders. many people may suffer from multiple signs or visual symptoms in the second and later of Lyme disease. some of these visual symptoms:

Decreased muscle movements in face muscles

The second stage of Lyme disease is called the early stage of the disease appear. it is at this stage that the patient begins to suffer from visual signs and symptoms such as damaged muscle fibers in the muscles of the face. This condition makes it difficult or impossible for the patient’s eyes to move in the affected part of the face. the person may not be able to close their eyes and may experience more tears in their eyes. Cardiovascular and nervous systems of the patient are also affected and the person may be suffering from a stiff neck, meningitis and paralysis or paralysis on one side of the face. Symptoms may occur at this stage except for a few weeks, months or years after treatment being stung.

One of the least popular signs of Lyme disease and symptoms associated with a vision is an inflammation of the eye. a person with this disorder is described by swollen eyelids. This specific visual symptoms may be accompanied by severe fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Apart from inflammation, Lyme disease patients also redness of the eyes. Redness of the eye occurs when arteries in the eyes are enlarged or dilated, which causes the skin around the eyes look bloodshot. This condition leads to the white surface of the eyes to appear inflamed and enlarged. the person concerned may be pain or discharge, vision problems, and itching due to this.

Different visual disturbances

There are also many other visual disturbances associated with Lyme disease. Finally, these conditions detrimental to the patient a sense of vision. Here are some of the normal forms of visual impairment:

* Blurred vision is called the loss of sharpness of vision in one individual and the inability of small objects or details.

* Blind spots appear dark spots in the visual field of the person and undermine the sense of sight.

* the floats can be seen by those involved. They are characterized as small specks moving in the visual field. it could come when the person assigned to look normal, solid media or blank walls.

If any of the above symptoms and are exposed in areas suspected to be inhabited by deer ticks or heard reports of cases of Lyme in your area, contact a specialist immediately.

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