What are the symptoms of depression that I should look for?

by Symptom Advice on April 11, 2011

If I were to diagnose myself, what symptoms of depression would I look for?

always sad, thoughts of suicide, feeling about urself all the time and wishing u could fix it, having a hard time getting up in the morning ( not wanting to get up and face the day) wanting to cry a lot of the time or crying a lot. thoughts of cutting. these are some symptoms of depression.

saddness and not getting out of bed and well not sleeping well sad alot day time night time
and well cant enjoy stuff u like to like before and not wanting to go out all day and night time
lay there in bed eating and sometimes not eating and well feeling funny…
and aniexty and fears alot all day and night. feels like your gonna loose your mind..
and well not wanting to even to go for walk… and outdoors even on nice snowy day..

You don't necessarily have to feel sad or tearful if you are clinically depressed….. instead you may feel numb and apathetic, like you aren't sad, you just don't care about anything and don't want to do anything.

when something small happens you easily break down and cry. cry a lot randomly when you think of what happened in the day. lots of mood swings.

increase appetite or decrease, disturbed sleep paterns, feeling saw when you wake up, feeling hopless, tearfull, paranoid. good luck!

Depression is just something they came up with to sell you pills, there's no such thing you just need to go do something fun and enjoy life.

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