What symptoms should i be having if last sex was 2 years ago. Symptoms for STD and HIV?

by Symptom Advice on September 9, 2011

Its been 2 years now since my last sex, but this issue had just occurred to me. I have never thought of it before until now.
Also, what should my CONDITION be now if i have STD or HIV that i never knew i had from my 2 years ago sex?
Pls help me, I am freaking out right now.

I just went through the same experience. I lost my virginity unprotected to a girl whom I think has had sex before. this happened about 2-3 years ago and only did it once.
I am 20 years old now and this conscious thought only came to me the other day about it so I checked myself, the wait was kind of long. I tried to go last year with some friends but the wait list was was too long for the rest of the day. I would try to go right when it opens or 30 minutes before to get in and out.

And if it was protected sex then chances are slim to none.

Safe journey.

STD is a term for sexually-transmitted disease which can be one of many and symptoms vary widely.
With exception of viral diseases and syphilis you would definitely feel trichomaniosis or gonorrea and other bacterial diseases.
HIV is usually asymptomatic at this stage. Syphilis can be latent. HVC, HPV and genital herpes might not be manifested depending on many factors.
HIV and syphilis

If you have hiv There may not be any syptoms except maybe some flu like symptoms.other STDs have symptoms such as Discoloration, bumps or lacerations, Painful discharge, painful urination. honestly your best bet is to get tested. they have many clinic which do the tests for free. better Safe than sorry

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