Where can I find free medical advice by symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on June 17, 2011

About one month ago, I fell in my backyard and hit the back of my head. Since then, I feel dizzy when I hold my head up for too long, begin sweating in the evening and tire easily. I have had an MRI and EEG. What could possibly be wrong?

One of the best place you can contact either on the phone or by Internet, is: askanurse.com
In the website you will find the phone number to called them is if you wish to contact them in person.
"Ask a Nurse" is one the most grown place for medical problem to help around the world and it is free. they have help thousand and thousand of people, they can help you too.

You will talk to a nurse, not just anyone.
God bless you!

WebMD is where I usually go, but if you describe head symptoms that won't go away, the website will tell you to go to your doctor as soon as you can make an appointment. In my experince, it will not advise you as to what you have, only whether or not it may be serious enough to warrant going to the doctor, or even the emergency room.

Well, if nothing came up on your MRI (EEG only has to do with heart beat), then I would go to a neurologist.
But whatever you do, pls dont self-diagnose. just suck up the copay and go to a medical professional.

I've used the site listed below…with medical costs rising, I try to figure out what it is before I go to the doctor. Hope this helps you, but I would definitely get a second opinion on your injury. Head injuries are nothing to play around with. the dizziness could be caused from liquid in the inner ear. the sweating could be "hot flashes". good luck and let us know what you ultimately find out.

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