Your questions about ulcerative colitis symptoms

by Symptom Advice on March 26, 2011

admin answers:

The most important thing to do is to reduce the incidence of diarrhea and blood. Probiotics, especially the sacchromyces boulardii yeast are known to reduce and even eliminate the diarrhea. Research has shown that boulardii up to 6 times a day is important for UC patients. below are a list of not too many bacteria that are readily available on various websites or a place like whole Foods.

As far as diet goes you want to minimize the ingestion of sulfur containing foods, especially if you are experiencing rotten egg smelling farts as those kind of farts are indicating that you have a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which is a toxic byproduct of protein digestion. Those stinky farts also mean that your body is not properly detoxifying the H2S and will weaken the colon cells. less meat, less onions and garlic, are important ways of reducing the sulfide precursors.

As far as things to add, make sure that you are ingesting the bifidobacteria listed below and get some Metamucil, which is essentially repackaged Psyllium husks, or Plantago Ovata fiber. The combination of Psyllium and bifidobacteria has been shown to be as effective as the standard pharmaceutical 5-ASA type drugs such as Pentasa or Mensalamine in clinical testing. Go figure $500/month vs. less than $60/month. The combination of 5-ASA, psyllium husk, and bifidobacteria is also beneficial.

As long as you are getting the bifidobacteria, try some oat bran, wheat bran, or brown rice. in in many patients the bran products help reduce inflammation.

There are many things you can to to ease colitis. Review the following list of KEYWORDs and go to and type in: “ulcerative colitis” KEYWORDto see the results of the peer reviewed journals. here is the list…

lactobacillus and bifidobacteria: Kyodophilus by Wakanugalactoabacillus GG: Lactobacillus GG by Culturellesacchromyces boulardii: a gut friendly yeast by JarrowPepto BismolFish oilbromelainpapainquercetinboswelliavitamin Cvitamin Emagnesium in citrate or ionic form:

The best but unpleasant treatment is a human fecal transplant. in pubmed type in: fecal Borody TJand you will see the articles. Download and review and you will learn that some people can be cured of ulcerative colitis. According to Borody, about 1/6 colitis patients get cured. you could be one of the lucky ones. I know folks who are doing well with this treatment.

Secondary possibilitiescapric acid (not much research here but shown to be good against a Candida infection)caprylic acid (not much research here but shown to be good against a Candida infection)

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