Andrew Wakefield, Autism Vaccine Link Wasn’t Just Bad Science, But Deliberate Fraud

by Symptom Advice on January 10, 2011

The sad thing is, this probably won’t do much to sway certain parents who are convinced vaccines are so dangerous (while they, ironically, rely on them to protect their kids by taking advantage of the kids who do get fully immunized. if Polio were as prevalent today as it was before the vaccine, I doubt these parents would be so brazen with their philosophical belief exemptions). The stupid thing is, they constantly blame “big pharma” for putting profits (which in reality are not that great) before kids’ safety. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind the hysteria did that exact thing. I don’t know what the tipping point be to kill this STUPID anti-vaccine movement, because science and truth hasn’t seemed to do it. I just pray it doesn’t involve the lives of too many innocent children. not only are they putting kids lives in jeapordy by buying into this nonsense, but they are getting in the way of REAL research about autism and related disorders.

laura commented on Jan 06 11 at 3:46 pm

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