Angina Pectoris – Angina Pain Symptoms And Treatment

by Symptom Advice on November 30, 2010

Are you worried that your angina pain might get worst? are there ways that you can prevent it? Let’s talk about angina and its managements in this article.

What is angina? Angina is a symptom caused by the common heart problems. It is due to myocardial ischemia or the decreased supply of oxygen in the heart muscles precipitated by activities like walking, jogging and carrying loads. Sometimes, it may be caused by stress and severe depression.

Angina is common among older people but it doesn’t mean it can’t affect any ages. It is just that the occurrence of angina is based on its risk factors. Risk factors for angina include smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and family history of heart problems.

There are 2 types of angina: stable and unstable angina. Stable angina is the most common and just generally known as angina, while unstable angina is a warning sign of an imminent heart attack. It is indicated by a prolonged period of angina, sharper chest pain and can’t be tolerated by an individual. When your angina worsens, then it must be unstable angina and you must be taken to the hospital immediately. It must be managed as soon as possible to prevent complications like heart attack and stroke. This situation is life threatening and may lead to death.

Angina pain is managed by nitroglycerin patches and pain relievers. the doctor may also give you beta-blockers for your hypertension. But some people choose to have supplements as maintenance.

Herbal supplements are patronized by many because they are said to have lesser side effects and can fasten the healing process as well as prevent the progression of the disease. It also facilitates normal blood regulation. It can lower high blood pressure and maintains overall cardiovascular health.

Naturally made herbal supplements are really good for those people with heart problems. But if you want to try this one, you must first consult your doctor if he approves your decision. It can interact with some drugs you are taking. wrong self-prescription can be life threatening. you must always be wise and you must know what to do when choosing your angina pain treatments.

Learn more about Angina Pain. Stop by Ann Louise’s site where you can find out all about Angina Pain Symptoms and what it can do for you.

Tags: Angina Pain, Supplements

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