Who's had scalp psoriasis and has cleared up from symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on November 30, 2010

my symtoms include scalp feeling moist and kind of dirty itchy feel to it very tender hard to comb without it feeling like i'm trying to pull it out it yanks it specially down the middle it use to be straight and darker like good asian hair for example know dry puffy wavey lighter in color and texture lots of knots and of course hair keeps falling out and thinning it combs out by the root thinner and white and sometimes with a white crumb looking piece at the end of it the t gel i use helps it feel ok but most symptoms still remain like a strange feeling numbness and pressure down the middle of my head and the hair i lost won't grow back in my dermatologist wants me to keep using olux foam but it is very very $$ even with my medical coverage the first time i tried it it didn't do much anyway anyone out there that has gone through it that knows how to beat this thing and keep it at bay medications i can ask my doctor about to see if it's right for me?

Mary Anne’s Plaque Psoriasis and Scalp Psoriasis Treatment with Doo Gro and Dove

The main cause of psoriasis is overreaction of the immune system. I try to eat healthy food and avoid stress as much as I can in order to prevent flare-ups.
After using number of prescription drugs I've turned to the natural treatments.
Now I use herbal remedies from serenaskin.com, which aim at the root of the disease – the immune system, and are steroid-free.
After about 2 weeks of using ointment and spray my scalp has been cleared up and now I just continue with anti-psoriasis extract, which controls the immune system. my scalphas been clear for months now.
It is the only treatment I have found that provides me complete relief when I use it as directed.

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