Are there any STD's that gives symptoms similar to being pregnant?

by Symptom Advice on May 29, 2011

I'm writing a script right now for a new drama. and at one point one of the characters will make a mistake and sleep with someone without protection. The guys gets sick and that character will believe that she's sick too. but in reality she's pregnant. so I'm asking if there are any STD's that gives symptoms similar to bein pregnant? Like for example naussea, light headedness maybe etc.

Hepatitis a. its symptoms include, but are not limited to: flu-like illness, nausea, and vomiting. that would be a minor experience of symptoms for Hepatitis a. most STD's have symptoms, like itching in affected area, excessive bleeding, excessive pain during urination, weight loss, fever, and discomfort while having sex. Common symptoms of pregnancy, are fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, breast enlargement, excessive urination, missed period, taste changes, mood swings, and increase in stress levels. so, STD symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are extremely different. I'd try either Hepatitis a., or using something completely different in your script.

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