When do you begin to have pregnancy symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on May 29, 2011

How long after conception do you begin to feel symptoms of pregnancy? and, if you are feeling symptoms, shouldn't there be enough HCG in your system to register on a pregnancy test? does anyone have any insight?

As soon as you miss a period (if you're regular) then take a test. I'm extremely irregular, so it was more difficult for me to know when to do a test. sometimes I'd miss a period completely.

I'm 9 weeks pregnant and had my last period Dec 26th. I waited til way after Jan 26th to do a test. Infact, 2 weeks after. I did a digital test (sometimes a faint line appears even when you're NOT pregnant on cross indicator kind) and I walked away from the test. It came back as positive. I did another – the same happened. It will ONLY show as positive if there is enough HCG in your urine.

I still have very little symptoms of pregnancy. I get worse symptoms when I would have a period, than what I'm having now. and a Doctor has confirmed I'm pregnant. every woman is different, however most get symptoms from as early as 6 weeks pregnant.

Bad gas is the best way of telling if you're pregnant. If you cannot stop burping and farting day after day – there's a good sign.

I felt "different" during the 4th week. I didn't start feeling the nausea and vomiting, frequent urination until the 7th week. I'm currently 8 weeks. HCG should show up for sure a week after your missed period. If it's still negative by then, most likely you're not pregnant. be careful though, if you're trying to conceive, your mind can play tricks on you around the time when your period is due. very rarely will a pregnancy test not pick up any HCG a week after the missed period. But if you want to be sure, have your dr give you a blood test. good luck to you.

I took a test around 4 weeks and it was negative so I naturally assumed I wasn't pregnant. I got a light period around 41/2 weeks. Than around 51/2 weeks I started getting extreme nausea, very tender breasts, and backaches. Anyways right at that time I took another test and it came back positive. I would think that once you have symptoms thats when you definitely have enough HCG in your system but I could be wrong… in my experience that's how it was

I started feeling sick about 3 days before my period was due. I didn't take a test until I was 4 days late and it came up straight away. just because you're getting symptoms doesn't mean it will show up on a pregnancy test, it's to do with how much HCG is in your body

I think it depends on your body. I started feeling symptoms around week 6. I was mostly really tired and had stomach cramps. I took a test and it was positive.

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