Are there any ways to eliminate your asthma symptoms permanently?

by Symptom Advice on February 9, 2011

Its quite difficult as it is a big time chronic disease. but a good thing about it is that natural alternatives , which come without the side effects of conventional medications, are extremely effective in controlling symptoms.

Conventional Western medicine generally treats asthma with a combination of preventative and quick-relief medications. These may include the frequent use of inhalers, anti-inflammatory medication, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and anti-allergy medications.

While conventional medical treatment may sometimes be necessary (especially quick relief medications), many of them come with a number of potentially dangerous side effects as well as negative effects on immune system functioning. Prolonged use of these medications have the potential to lower immune system health, resulting in increased asthma attacks, reduced resistance to allergens, while also leaving the body more vulnerable to other illnesses.

There are a number of highly effective herbal and homeopathic remedies that may be used for the successful treatment of asthma and other respiratory conditions. Depending on the severity of the asthma, natural remedies can either reduce or completely eliminate the need for the synthetic drugs and are often used in conjunction with conventional medications as a part of a holistic treatment plan.

Herbal ingredients such as Matricaria recutita and Astralagus are known for their antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, while homeopathic ingredients such as Mag. Phos. and Nat. Sulph are successful at easing chest and throat constriction and soothing mucous membranes while reducing the presence of phlegm in the chest. Used regularly, natural remedies can help improve respiratory health, reduce the incidence and severity of asthma attacks while strengthening the immune system.

Get more details if you wish on all this from the link below

no. sorry, but no. maybe in like the year 2300 they'll have figured out a 'cure' for asthma, but right now all you can do is control it. inhalers are used in an emergency only, and there are drugs you can take to control your asthma but it will never go away altogether. also, those drugs you can take to control your asthma are not worth it at all. most of them have horrible side effects, especially the prescription ones. when i was very little i was put on prednisone and i lost twenty pounds, which is A LOT for a child.

nope, sometimes if it's childhood asthma people grow out of it, but thats rare. there are pills you can take daily that make symptoms much better though, like singulair. trust me though, theres no way to get rid of them for good.

No, however, if you get yourself educated on asthma facts and your personal asthma triggers, numbers, and a medication plan, you will be able to effectively manage and ultimately CONTROL your symptoms.

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