Real Life Testimonial: Ben’s recovery from Lyme disease

by Symptom Advice on February 9, 2011

This is part of an ongoing series of real life success stories from people all over the world who have been impacted by the Paleo lifestyle and the Paleo Solution. Read Ben’s story below.

It was a real pleasure to meet you at Art’s book talk in Soho. I’ve been a listener since episode # 1 and I want to thank you again and let you know that the work you’ve done has helped me in ways that far exceed the benefits of nutritional guidance…

I, like you, was an athlete and a trainer. I wrote a fitness column for a newspaper out of college, and I’d always prided myself an example of robust health. also, like you, I lost my health in my twenties, and, in an all-out attempt to regain it, set off down a path that would take me through just about every medical and dietary paradigm imaginable.

In my case, catastrophe struck in the form of a tick bite that I never new I had. – It took dozens of doctors and several years of debilitating symptoms before I received a diagnosis of late-stage, Neurological Lyme disease (an ever increasing epidemic that half the medical community claims doesn’t exist). – And once I did find a “lyme literate” MD, who believed that my crippling fatigue, migrating pain, bouts of paralysis, and multiple brain lesions might be something more then a psychosomatic response, his only solution was to soak me in a steady stream of oral, Intra-muscular, and Intravenous antibiotics for 3 years straight; after which time I’d, not only innihilated my gut flora, but also forced the Lyme-bacteria deeper into my cells where it was effectively blocked from further treatment by a thick layer of systemic candida overgrowth. (eating a “clean” detoxifying vegan diet of fruits nuts and whole grains, in retrospect, was the worst thing I could’ve been doing during this whole time) Yup – at age 26, too weak to walk the length of a city block, and too brain-fogged to tie my own shoos (seriously), I considered myself pretty much screwed.

It wasn’t until after I went strict paleo for a year that my candida levels eventually came down to a point where I could successfully get through to, and treat the Lyme using gentle homeopathic methods that, when implemented in the right context (low-carb paleo diet) have proven to be incredibly successful! (hence my making it out to the book talk event : )

So, yes, you may now say that the paleo diet even played a major role in rescuing someone from the depths of the rabbit hole that is the world of chronic Lyme – but, honestly, what helped me the most from listening to you is the confidence I gained to pursue my own path toward health no matter what!

The world of chronic Lyme is fraught with taboos, politics, and pre-conceived notions of treatment. your podcast, Andy and Robb, and your personal story Robb, inspired me to never give up; to ask all the essential questions in the face of dogmatic medical practices and demand answers; to be skeptical about everything and never settle when my health is at stake until I found a way that worked for me.. and ultimately, saved my own life.

I Thank you both infinitely for all your sound advice but more then that, for your message of personal empowerment. you are truly leading a ground-up revolution that inspires people to do what it takes to save their own skin… And I’m living proof of that. All the best and good seeing you Robb!

- Ben

Do you have a life-changing story you’d like to share? Send it in via this form and we may share it on the blog!

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