Are these bone cancer symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on April 17, 2011

ok, at first, i had pain somewhere around the right tibia just above my ankle when i straighten my leg, but i donno whether is it bone pain, then when i touch, i feel a lump tat is not very sharp, when i press, there is quite a pain. about few weeks or one month later, the pain disappear regardless of straightening my leg or pressing the lump, but the lump is still there. i also encountered symptoms such as, firstly, there was a few times when i carry my bag and walk for few distant, my right middle tibia ache and pain, then when i rest for few mins, the pain disappear. secondly, sometimes,somewhere just below my right breast hurts, it hurts more when i breathe in, and i not sure is it the rib that hurts. thirdly, sometimes, when i lie down, my back hurts, after a few mins,it disappear,once again, i am not sure whether is it the spine that hurts.however, nowdays, the back pain seems to disappear. lastly, sometimes, my head suddenly feels numb. and, recently, when i stand with more force on my right leg and after that back to normal standing, my right pelvis area hurts for a while. now,are these symptoms of bone cancer?

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