Blocked nose, can’t breathe?

by Symptom Advice on April 22, 2011

I’ve had a blocked (fully blocked) nose since 2am this morning (its now 6am)i’ve managed to relieve it a tiny bit so a very small amount of air is going through. I’ve had night nurse, beechams cold and flu tablets, lockets (throat lozenge with ingredients for sore throat and blocked nose), ibuprofen, vicks, olbas oil, sitting in a hot bath with vicks and olbas oil in, boiling the kettle and (Carefully) breathing in the steam, making a hot drink and breathing in the steam from under a blanket, even massaging my nose, head and hands as per some random website online, and putting my fist in my armpit (From another website!!) i’ve got a couple more options to go through but i’m not succeeding with anything so far. I don’t have any salt at the moment so making a saline solution to stick up my nose isnt an option for another couple of hours when the shop finally opens. there are no late night/early morning chemists close by, its not really that desperate that I could warrant going to hospital – I would if i could get there but can’t drive and don’t know how to get to the nearest one (im at uni in a different city to where i normally live and don’t know the area)

I’m completely at a loss of what to do next! If anyone has any ideas at all please please please share!!! Don’t recommend medication, i have plenty and as i said i can’t buy anything yet, and I would really appreciate sensible answers not people commenting on my spelling or grammar (Like i said i’ve been awak all night!) or saying something irelevant just to get points! (Can you tell i’ve suffered those people before?? lol!!)

I just want some ideas for home remedies to help unblock my nose so I can breathe that little bit easier.

Thank you in advance

Kindest regards to you all xxx

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