Is it possible for gonorrhea symptoms to go away without treatment?

by Symptom Advice on April 22, 2011

I recently started having discharge (only after sex) that lasted for only a few minutes, accompanied by the pains and symptoms of a UTI. When I went to my PCP/Ob-Gyn, she said I definitely have a UTI, but wanted to run tests for gonorrhea/chlamydia.

That was yesterday and since I took my UTI medicine yesterday, I have shown no symptoms, pains, discomfort, smell or anything. can gonorrhea symptoms go away with UTI medicine too or was it just a simple UTI?

I haven't been diagnosed with gonorrhea yet, which is why I'm asking. I really really don't want to have my tests come back as positive.

you definiatly have to get some antibiotics to help you clear it up. it doesnt matter if you dont have a discomfort, the problem is still there. any more sexual activity you have will end up making it worse. make sure to completely take your perscription, and to use a condom..

gonorrhea/chlamydia would not go away over night,and you need specific anti biotics to cure it,the uti one are not sound like it just simple uti infection…use condom untill 100%sure

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