Bogus products, bad practices can harm women’s health

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

Others think colonic cleansing or taking several supplements may be good for them, when, in fact, the practices are questionable.

With so many fads and products available, it’s hard to know what’s really beneficial to your health. To help women navigate the choices they make, we asked four doctors to share the worst health habits that they’ve noticed among women in their medical practices.

Using tanning beds

During this long, cold winter, the urge to feel warm ultra-violet rays has been strong.

But Dr. Keeter Sechrist, partner with Dermatology Inc., says the danger of tanning beds is great and no reason exists to use them. Last year, the World Health Organization classified tanning beds as carcinogenic, with the same cancer risk as tobacco and arsenic, she said.

A significant increase in melanoma skin cancer is occurring among 21- to 29-year-old women.

“Right now, it feels like an epidemic to me,” she said.

Why can’t some women stop using tanning beds? Sechrist said some initial research shows that it can be addictive behavior, causing endorphin release. It’s best, she advised, to protect your skin while you’re in the sunlight and take vitamin D supplements.

Taking too many dietary supplements

Very little convincing evidence exists that shows supplements are important to slow or prevent illness, said Dr. Ann Zerr, Indiana University School of Medicine physician specializing in women’s health.

Calcium and vitamin D are exceptions, and omega-3 fish oil supplements may be worthwhile, she added.

If you don’t focus on fruits and vegetables and whole grains in your diet, then a multivitamin is probably a good idea, Zerr said. But taking other vitamin pills is expensive and unnecessary – and those that are fat-soluble can be harmful.

Drinking too much alcohol

One alcoholic drink a day seems to be beneficial for the heart and for diabetes prevention, Zerr said. Women have less muscle mass than men, so their ability to metabolize alcohol is different, and they can’t safely handle as much.

“I see a lot of professional women drink more than one alcoholic drink a day,” she said. “More than one seems to increase the risk of head and neck cancers and liver irritation.”

Women tend to use alcohol as a way to cope with problems. They need to find other coping mechanisms, such as exercise.

Relying on caffeine for an energy boost

Drinking a lot of Diet Coke? That’s a problem for some women, particularly those on diets, Dr. Theresa M. Rohr-Kirchgraber said.

Whatever the caffeine choice, women tend to use it to energize, rather than drinking water or other fluids to hydrate when they’re tired. If you’re dehydrated, she said, your brain temporarily shrinks a little, but water or other non-caffeinated fluids will help.

Drink enough fluids to make you urinate five times a day, advises Rohr-Kirchgraber, an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Moreover, a new study is claiming a link between daily diet soda drinking and increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Not taking good care of yourself

Some women confuse being busy with being active, so they’re tired but haven’t done much true exercising, Zerr said. she suggests scheduling a specific time for it or weaving exercise into your day while waiting for your children.

Many also don’t get seven or eight hours of sleep, as they try to balance work, children and housework, Rohr-Kirchgraber said. Part of the reason is they tend to hold in their stress and anger, which can lead to overeating and insomnia.

Talking with a group of women or getting help from an employee assistance program can help.

Not using condoms, birth control

Using safe-sex practices is a critical issue, said Dr. Michelle Neff, an ob-gyn with St. Vincent Health practicing at Hazel Dell Obstetrics-Gynecology in Carmel, Ind.

Anyone not in a stable relationship who doesn’t know her partner’s sexual activity should insist on condom use all the time to reduce the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, she said.. Younger women should get tested for STDs every year, but older women should realize they also can get them.

Whatever birth-control method women decide on, with the guidance of their doctors, should be used all the time, even during perimenopause, when not trying to get pregnant, Rohr-Kirchgraber said.

Using bio-identical hormones

Women are led to believe there is something magical or more natural about using bio-identical hormones to relieve menopausal symptoms, Zerr said. the truth is the chemicals look the same as commercial products.

While she isn’t saying “don’t take them,” Zerr said women need to be wary because of potential side effects that haven’t been found yet.

Following bad diet practices

Too many women skip meals or engage in restrictive eating, such as eating one meal a day, Zerr said. When you’re hungry, you’re more likely to make bad choices.

Planning meals ahead and bringing lunches to work can help, and using a food diary is effective, she said.

Rather than yo-yo dieting, Rohr-Kirchgraber said lasting changes come from revamping your lifestyle by following the basic U.S. Dietary Guidelines, practicing mindful eating and exercising.

Doing colonic cleansing

Rohr-Kirchgraber sees women all the time who don’t feel well and ask what she thinks of colonic cleansing. in a word? Bogus.

The water therapy, akin to getting an enema, is promoted online and can be done in some spas or at home. It’s advertised as a detoxing method to clean out toxins and wastes that are high in the colon. But she says your body needs the bacteria in the colon, and it’s not true that wastes stay there for years.

High colonic cleansing can cause intestinal perforation and serious problems. also, she cautioned that the materials and the people doing this are not regulated.

Putting stock in cosmetics

“A lot of women spend a lot of money on cosmetic products that have no evidence of being able to deliver their promises – remove wrinkles, dark circles or plump up lips,” Sechrist said.

Cosmetic firms don’t have to prove anything to make claims, so women need to be aware they may not work, she said. her best advice? Use sunscreen in the morning and retinoids, a prescription, at night to reduce fine lines and dark spots.


There’s really no good reason for douching, a rinsing of the vagina, Zerr said. in fact, she said, the products eliminate helpful bacteria in the vagina. the result can be a bad smell.

“Women are quite surprised (that) douching can cause harm and that the body cleanses itself.”

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