Hpv symptoms????????????//?

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

i just found out last week i have hpv my doc said is like on the low thers nothing weird there yet
but ive had discharge since lk 1 months and 2 weeks and is yelow discharge smells like yeast infection could it be that or what is it
i heard hpv dosent have eny symptoms but yeah does eny one know whay yelow discharge is

Usually a yeast infection is like a white cottage cheese like discharge. Kinda lumpy. Bacterial Vaginosis is usually gray or yellow but smells somewhat fishy. You would need an antibiotic for that, although they do have a new otc remedy at Rite Aid. I don't believe you usually get a discharge with genital warts. I don't think you have chlamydia, either, unless you had sex with someone new since you had your appt. Check out this site.

You have gonorrhea. go to your doctor it can leave you sterile.

Discharge, hpv vaginal symptoms with irritation, can be a sign of cervical dysplasia from a HPV infection. Human papilloma virus is frequently a cause of sexually transmitted diseases. some types of this virus can lead to cervical, vulvular, and other cancers. as a rule, the virus is latent for a long time after an infection has happened. Discharge, hpv vaginal symptoms with irritation, can be a sign of cervical dysplasia from a HPV infection. Check with your dr and get this discharged checked.

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