Can an adult with MS develop dyslexia?

by Symptom Advice on May 5, 2011

I have noticed over the past 10 years I have developed many of problems that could be diagnosed as dyslexia in a child. can dyslexia develope in adults or get worse in an adult? I suspect that I may have had it all my life but awareness has icreased. I also have MS has anyone heard of any association with MS and dyslexia symptoms.

As far as I'm aware, dyslexia is only diagnosed in children as this is the age that people are generally learning to read. if you are experiencing similar symptoms, it may be related to your MS, if the sensitive eye co-ordination muscles are being affected by your MS.

Hello, I should think that having MS does not exclude the possiblity of having dyslexia. I'm sure you might notice dyslexia more as an adult if it hasnt been worked with by professionals. However, could it be a symptom of your MS (I dont know if MS would affect your brain in any way?) Or could it be a sid-effect of any medication that you might be on?

How about doing a search for dyslexia on wikipedia?

Many children go undiagnosed with dyslexia, and people do find out that they are dyslexic when they are adults.

MS damages both myelin and the nerve cells within the brain, thereby compromising a variety of functions handled by the brain.In MS a symptom is an impairment in visual perception and constructional abilities. So therefore, it could be possible that your ability to perceive information that you read and your abilty to write in what we see in a constructed way which is correct may be altered. Hope this helps.

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