Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on May 5, 2011

Here you can read about stomach ulcer symptoms. Abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms of stomach ulcer. This pain can be mild, but it can be persistent. Abdominal discomfort is also one of the common symptoms of stomach ulcer. If you experience these symptoms, and they persist, you should visit your doctor. according to statistics, women have more chances to develop stomach ulcers. However, this condition is commonly seen in both men and women.

Abdominal pain usually occurs suddenly and goes away after meals. However, it can occur again, several hours after you’ve eaten your meal. other symptoms of stomach ulcer include appetite loss, vomiting and nausea. some people can have stomach ulcer, but without any of the symptoms in the beginning. in such cases, the symptoms will occur later and they will include blood in the stools and stomachaches. If you notice fresh blood in your vomit, this can be a sign of a stomach ulcer, so you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. Blood in vomit and blood in stools should never be ignored.

Stomach ulcers are usually caused by Helicobacter pylori, but there can be other causes, like excessive use of some medications. If you have problems with stomach ulcer, your doctor will tell you all about stomach ulcer treatment and therapy. Sometimes, a surgery is needed. Stomach ulcer surgery is done in emergencies, when there is no other option. However, you should not be worried about the surgery. This is a routine surgical procedure and complications are highly unlikely.

If detected in time, stomach ulcers can be successfully treated. Patients with stomach ulcers are advised to avoid certain types of foods. Acidic and fatty foods must be avoided, so as alcohol and carbonated beverages. Coffee and other beverages that are high in caffeine should be avoided, too. in general, stomach ulcer diet is not very restrictive. You will be allowed to consume most of the foods you like, but you will have to stay away from fatty meat, fatty sauces (like mayonnaise, tartar sauce, etc.), artificial sweeteners and carbonated beverages. some fruits should be avoided, like orange, lemon and other acidic food items. You will be advised to avoid stressful situations. If you are a smoker, you will be advised to quit.

If you are well disciplined when it comes to your life style and your diet, you will avoid stomach ulcer complications.

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