Can Pregnancy cause Pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on December 21, 2010

I've been having these awful radiating pains in my upper left abdomen, looked up my symptoms, did some research, and they all lead to pancreatitits. I have nearly every symptom on the list for this disorder, but before I present my research to my doctor, I need to know, if my pregnancy ( I'm due in 3 days ) could be contributing to this, and if it is going to affect or put me at risk during labor… does anyone have this disorder, or has anyone contracted it during pregnancy? I have been diagnosed recently with tachycardia ( high heartrate ) which is also a symptom of pancreatitis… but my doctor insists the pressure in my abdomen is just the baby…anyway I will talk to my doc, but I would like some opinions thanks : 0 )

it is possible to get pancreatitis from pregnancy in a few different, the triglycerides naturally double to triple during pregnancy.any level over 1000 will cause have them draw blood for this level.secondly, the pregnancy itself is putting pressure on the pancreas.but,this would only be a problem if you have preexsisting pancrea or gall bladder may have had pancreas troubles before.(you would have to think back).lastly, some women get gall stones during pregnancy,and a stone can lodge in such a way that it causes the pressures to back up into the pancreas,and thus cause pain.i wish you the best of luck with your labor and delivery.i dont think anything you do is going to change your health for now-enjoy the birth.when your around,please join my webgroup,i coown with shannon,called, sphincterofoddi_pancreatitis.its a pancreatitis webgroup in yahoo health.we have lots of information and support for your if you wish to learn more, and to keep you health. up.;)michele

i was actually just reading something about this…dep on how far along you are it it does move it up and kinda crunches it up – causing slight pain. it is really hard to det. if you have pancreatitis bc its not where the normal pain would be if you were not preg. im 19 weeks =oD i would call your dr if it cont.

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