Can prostate symptoms cause symptoms of low back pain, pain in hips, buttocks, legs and cause numbness in limb?

by Symptom Advice on February 28, 2011

numbness in limbs and numbness sitting or standing too long

Prostate problems can cause in some cases cause low back pain due to an infection.

Your prostate can cause pain that radiates to your back or buttocks. It is not likely to cause leg pain or numbness. that is probably from a pinched nerve in your back. You need to see your doctor to find out what is going on.

Read more about back and leg pain at:…

Good Luck

no not useally sounds cardiac see a doc

it sounds more like you have a pinched sciatic nerve than prostate
problems. sciatic pain can radiate from your lower back all the way
down to your foot. numbness is common. i actually have some minor
sciatic pain as i type.

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