Mediterranean diet reduces child asthma symptoms

by Symptom Advice on February 28, 2011

The symptoms of asthma in children is demonstrably reduced if you follow the Mediterranean diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, cereals and olive oil, providing high doses of beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, selenium, flavonoids and polyphenols antioxidant activity.

This follows a study by a group of researchers from the University of Athens (Greece), who examined 700 children aged 10 to 12 years. the paper argues that those who did not follow this diet and also consuming salty snacks and sweets more than three times per week had a 4.8 times greater risk of developing asthma symptoms.

This association also occurs with children who watch TV or play your game for more than two hours a day, says the work, collected in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

“taking into account that the presence of asthma is very high and has increased greatly in recent years, health professionals should inform parents, guardians and teachers of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle from an early stages of life, “explains one of the authors of the study, Demosthenes Panagiotakos.

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide, affecting 300 million people. It is estimated that by 2025 about 100 million more could develop the disease. It is believed that this rapid increase is due to changing environmental factors and changes in lifestyle of people, where diet plays a role of “vital importance”, according to researchers.

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