Can you get your appendix taking out if you don't have any appendix pain or symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on May 19, 2011

Like you have NO symptoms of Appendicitis/Appendix Pain. can you get it taken out so later in life it wont explode? So it can be gone from your body so your not so paranoid of it exploding and feeling a needle pain and not sure if it is a stomach pain or nerve pinch or if it REALLY is Appendicitis.


I believe doctors cannot remove a healthy organ.

I have heard of some people having a healthy appendix taken out because they went to spend considerable time doing scientific work in a remote region. That makes some sense because appendicitis, while rare, can be fatal if you're off in the wilds of Alaska or Tierra del Fuego. but having a healthy appendix taken out if you are planning to live in civilization seems pretty extreme. I bet it would be considered bad medicine to do that. Appendicitis is very painful. It isn't just a "needle pain." you should get over being afraid that you might have it even though you don't have serious symptoms.

No ethical doctor would ever do this.

In medical treatment, the benefit of the treatment always has to outweigh the risks. in this case, it doesn't. in this case, the risk is that you could die from the anesthesia and surgery. The benefit is negligible. in a normal case, when a person does have appendicitis, the benefit of the surgery does outweigh the risks. because a person with appendicitis will absolutely die without the surgery, but has only a small chance of dieing because of the surgery.

Now, if you are having surgery for a different reason and are already under anesthesia for that reason, let's say to have your gall bladder removed, the doctor might agree to also remove your appendix. in this case, since you are already having surgery, removing the appendix doesn't present any additional risk. A medical insurance company still wouldn't pay for the doctor's additional time and work though.

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